
Types of Post-Secondary Degrees

UEducation’s Docs Types of Post-Secondary Degrees

It may be helpful to know the different types of degrees you can get when you’re deciding what you want to do after high school. Here is a description of each:

Diploma/Certificate Programs: Degree programs may be two-year or four-year degrees. Community colleges are government-regulated post-secondary institutions offering one- to two-year certificates, diplomas, two-year associate’s degrees (i.e. Early Childhood Education) and even three- and four-year specialized degrees (i.e. Engineering). You can also usually transfer a Certificate Degree from a Community College to a different institution if you want to study further or get more qualifications.

Undergraduate – Bachelor’s Degree: These may be anywhere between three-five years, and take place at a university. Some universities offer partnerships with colleges, where you usually spend 2 years with the college and 2 years with the university to get your Bachelor’s Degree. A high school diploma is required to apply to these types of programs. If you are applying to university from high school, you will be looking in to undergraduate programs.

Postgraduate – Master’s Degree/Doctoral Degree: A master’s degree in Canada typically requires two years of study after successful completion of a 4 year bachelor’s degree. A doctoral program usually requires successful completion of a master’s degree. A doctoral degree, AKA a PhD, will take a minimum of three years and up to four or five years of study and research.

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